My name is Suzie, First of all welcome to my web-page , or should I say my
secret place , where anything is possible and I can be who-ever I want to be.
my pages you will find , many things like Artwork done by not only myself but
also my friends and family, who I love dearly.
will read the words that are so deep with-in my soul , in my poetry.
shall find out my achievements and my failures , also my desires and hopes.
I dedicate this website
to my friends and family , because without there support and love , my life
would be so hard and lonely.
to you all a huge kiss and a hug , from my heart to yours.
Once a-pon a time, in
a small town lived a girl named Suzie.
She was not a happy
girl, so to make up for everything she didn't have, she went out and did crazy
One day she found
this man on the beach, and after a while they became very close.
One day this man
decided that Suzie and himself would ride down to a nearby town and visit his
Suzie climbed onto
the back of a Harley, but sadly didn't make it to Grandma's.
A few days later the
man went away, because Suzie was no longer fit to ride on the back of Harleys.
Three years later,
Suzie is still trying to walk.
The moral of this
story is.........
When you find a man
make sure he loves you for you, not the image you portray......and carry big
stick to beat the shit out of man with when you see him again.
